Last updateSun, 04 Feb 2024 4am

ABB releases new version of SCADAvantage

ABB announced recently that it has released the newest version of its Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system , SCADAvantageTM version 5.4. This release helps oil and gas companies manage their latest operational challenges with precise liquid metering and instant status checks of remote operations, and brings safety and availability to companies responsible for the critical energy infrastructure.

As exploration and production has moved to increase the output of oil and condensate, accurate liquid metering has become more important. SCADAvantage now supports V-cone and liquid measurement data. This new data is integrated with alarming, trending and historian information to further optimize operations and manage by exception. For specific markets such as Canada, the product complies with the latest ERCB Directive 17 requirements.

ABB worked with leading midstream companies to develop a new liquid volume balancing and leak detection application in this release, to better support safe and reliable liquids transportation.

ABB SCADAvantage includes features to ensure business continuity providing protection against threats from the environment, malicious attacks and other sources. Disaster Recovery works in warm-standby for ultra-fast failover and includes tools for configuring and stepping through a recovery scenario in a safe yet expedited manner.

The new release also includes the latest Geographic Information System (GIS) mapping capabilities. Using the latest mapping software from ESRI®, SCADAvantage allows companies to easily customize the map views to meet their operational needs.

With on-demand text message reporting, operators can be alerted and follow-up on issues or drill down into the data easily with a simple text message on their mobile phone. Text reports can also be requested from SCADAvantage by sending a text message with a particular report identifier.

“With the growing importance of produced liquids, we have created a robust solution for managing liquids measurement data that eliminates the need for costly and risky integration with third party packages,” said Richard Dilcher, SCADAvantage Development Manager at ABB. “Our customers asked for one SCADA system corporate-wide to manage production to minimize training and overall maintenance costs.”

ABB  SCADAdvantage Information