Last updateSun, 04 Feb 2024 4am


About Us

Our Mission

Our mission is to serve the community of Process Instrumentation & Control Systems around the world, and highlight important news, innovative products and valuable technical writings. We strive to connect individual to information, individual to individual, protect intellectuality and bring growth to the community.

Our Policy

Our policy is to be independent and has no affiliation to any manufacturer, engineering company, institution or group, and therefore, we work to serve the interest of Instrumentation & Control community only.

Who Are We

Started by a group of acclaimed technical experts having experience of working internationally in the field of Process Control & Instrumentation, this news portal covers a variety of topics catering to the modern face of Instrumentation & Control. The news portal offers a stimulating visual experience designed to make stories come alive online and enhances interaction of users with each other.

‘Controlsystemworld.com’ is constantly updated to bring you the top business news / stories, product news and technical papers related to the field of Process Instrumentation & Control systems from around the world. It is produced by dedicated staff to bring you top information at your desk.

As we continue our work towards adding new features to the site and improve quality, we look forward to your feedback and invite Instrumentation & Control experts to join us to contribute to this community as a ‘general user ’ or ‘contributing editor’.

CSW Team

Matrix Media Intl.

10685-B Hazelhurst Dr. #14994 Houston, USA
