Last updateSun, 04 Feb 2024 4am

Invensys announces 2013 Customer Conference Series - Attendees to access the latest

Invensys, a focused supplier of state-of-the-art industrial software, systems and control equipment to the world’s major industries, will host a series of global customer conferences in 2013. The conferences will include individual meetings designed specifically for existing, new and potential users of the company’s products and solutions from each of its major brands: Avantis, Foxboro, SimSci, Triconex and Wonderware.

The events kick off with a Foxboro and Triconex Client Conference, being held at the Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, Texas, September 10 through September 13. This will be followed by a customer conference covering the company’s Avantis, SimSci and Wonderware software offerings. That event will be held October 15 and 16 at the Hilton Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas.

“The theme of the Foxboro and Triconex Client Conference is ‘The Future Starts Here,’” said Gary Freburger, president of the company’s systems business. “Today’s manufacturers continue to face new, ever-more complicated challenges, such as new regulations, cyber security concerns and more competitive pressure, even as their systems, equipment and workforce continue to age. Our automation and safety customers need to think about how modern control and safety systems can help them address these challenges. This conference is a perfect opportunity for our customers to understand how new, modern technologies from Invensys can help their workforce make better, real-time operating and business decisions while maintaining a safe and secure operation.”

Central to the event will be an Expo Hall featuring an integrated system of all Invensys brand products and solutions, as well as third-party partner offerings. There will be tracks for users of the company’s Foxboro distributed control systems and Triconex safety systems, as well as presentations, hands-on demonstrations, workshops and training classes featuring upgrade opportunities across all Invensys offerings. Topics for automation systems customers will include virtualization, wireless, Microsoft Windows 7 upgrades, workflow, real-time performance management, operator training tools and many more. Safety systems customers will receive updates on safety, security and turbo machinery standards, as well as in-depth information about how these updates impact the way they maintain and operate safety systems.


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ITA and ISA collaborate on the 2013 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium

The Instrumentation Testing Association (ITA) and the International Society of Automation (ISA) are teaming up to co-promote the 2013 ISA Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls (WWAC) Symposium. Now in its eighth year, the symposium provides automation professionals from the water and wastewater sector the unique opportunity to come together to network, share ideas and learn about the latest technology. As a technical co-sponsor of the 2013 WWAC Symposium, ITA is helping ensure that the symposium continues to meet the needs of professionals who use instrumentation in the wastewater sector; reinforcing the mutual benefit of this collaboration for both associations.

Since its beginnings in 1984 when it was founded at a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) meeting in Chicago, Illinois, ITA (website: www.instrument.org) continues to be an end-user-focused technical organization that provides impartial third-party assessment of wastewater instrumentation technologies. Using a cooperative and impartial approach, the association seeks to address common instrument performance and reliability issues that often arise from the low-bid procurement environment that is typically associated with the municipal and industrial wastewater sectors.

With its technology-focused WWAC symposium, the ISA provides a forum for automation professionals to learn from their peers about the newest advances in instrumentation technology, instrumentation best practices and up-and-coming trends. By partnering with the ITA, the ISA will be able to continue to ensure that its technical program is both forward looking and well-grounded when it addresses leading-edge instrumentation technologies.

Tony Palmer, executive director of the ITA, says, “The partnering of the ITA and the ISA with respect to the ISA’s 2013 Water/Wastewater and Automatic Controls Symposium is a natural fit. Our members are always on the lookout for new ideas with respect to the instrumentation, and the collegial atmosphere of the symposium is a perfect way to do that. Coupled with the ITA’s popular instrumentation performance reports, the symposium provides a very broad and comprehensive view of the current and future direction of wastewater instrumentation.”

Taking place 6-8 August in Orlando, Florida, USA, the 2013 ISA WWAC Symposium boasts an extensive program. With over 40 speakers, three invited speakers, a keynote on using controls system data to make smarter decisions, and two optional training courses, the symposium offers incredible value for attendees. Registration for the three-day event is priced at $425, and discounts are available for members of several technical associations, including the ISA and ITA. The 2013 symposium also offers an optional training course on the sizing and selection of flow meters, a critical component of instrumentation technology used in the wastewater sector.

The symposium also continues its long tradition of meeting the needs of automation professionals in both the water and wastewater sectors. Instrumentation technologies span multiple industries, and the municipal water and wastewater sectors are no exception.

“The same flow meter and analyzer technologies are often found in both parts of the municipal water/wastewater sector,” remarks Graham Nasby, a senior instrumentation and control engineer with Eramosa Engineering, and general symposium chair for the 2013 WWAC symposium.

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Early-bird registration opens for 8th ISA Marketing and Sales Summit Sept 2013

The International Society of Automation (ISA) announces today that early-bird registration is open for its 8th Marketing and Sales Summit, which will be held 11-13 September 2013 at the W New Orleans hotel, just steps from the famed French Quarter.

By registering by 15 June 2013, ISA members will save $110 on registration costs ($445 early-bird rate versus full rate of $555), and Automation Community members and the general public will save $100 ($595 early-bird rate versus full rate of $695). To register now, click here. (Select “Register Online” under the ABOUT tab.)

The theme of this year’s summit, “Innovation in Automation: Navigating the Maze of Customer Connections,” focuses on giving marketing and sales professionals the tools, strategies and insights needed to successfully negotiate their way through today’s fast-changing automation and control marketplace.

Key topic areas include: best practices in social media, guerilla marketing, brand marketing, market-driven product development, winning complex accounts, business development, advertising in the digital age, and more.

Attendees will:

  • Discover practical, proven strategies to improve their customer relationships, and boost their marketing and sales results.
  • Participate in a variety of expert-led workshops, panel discussions, and tutorials.
  • Discover how to leverage social networks to their advantage.
  • Learn to influence prospects’ and customers’ perceptions of cost, value and benefits in complex sales.
  • Recognize the most effective marketing tools and processes in a rapidly evolving environment.
  • Master how to generate reliable ROI data.
  • Come away with solutions and ideas they can immediately put to work.
  • Secure valuable new contacts.

For more information, visit www.marketingsalessummit.com


Rockwell Automation RSTechED USA

June 9-14, 2013, Manchester Grand Hyatt, SanDiego, California USA

RSTechED is a week-long software training event for end-users, systems integrators, distributors, partners, machine builders, and Rockwell Automation technical and sales personnel. Each year, attendees from around the globe gather to learn how their peers tackle day-to-day challenges.

With the latest Rockwell Automation products and technology solutions available in a classroom environment, participants gain an in-depth understanding of how the Integrated Architecture system is enabling companies across the globe to be the best they can be.

What is the objective of RSTechED?

With over a hundred unique sessions offered during the week, the goal of RSTechED is to provide each attendee the opportunity to get a hands-on experience of Rockwell Automation solutions — from beginner level overviews to in-depth, advanced hands-on labs — all while networking with peers throughout the industry.

Mark your calendar for the ultimate training experience. RSTechED provides over 130+ hands-on labs, technical sessions and discussion forums. Only RSTechED gives you so many ways to learn.

See the latest automation strategies in classes led by application experts. Network and exchange ideas with industry peers from around the world. Hear the real-world stories directly from companies implementing a variety of automation strategies. Gain the insights and inspiration to optimize your operation.

Top Five Reasons to Attend:

150+ technical sessions, labs and workshops- that’s 750 total hours of training in one week

Network with peers from around the world, including representatives from Cisco, Microsoft, VMWare and MESA

Learn step-by-step instructions for migrating systems to world-class performance

Work on the latest technology for improving manufacturing and production and get Professional Development Hours for the effort

Pick from two-dozen interactive discussions led by representatives from companies who have implemented leading edge solutions


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ICONICS September 2013 Worldwide Customer Summit!

If you are an Executive, Manager, Design Consultant, OEM, Systems Integrator or Distributor ready to build game changing industrial and energy automation solutions, this is the event you do not want to miss!

At the ICONICS 2013 Worldwide Customer Summit, experience the latest breakthroughs in software technologies. Partner and customer applications that leverage the latest ICONICS and Microsoft® technologies will be showcased.

Registration is now open for the ICONICS 2013 Worldwide Customer Summit: Get Connected! Please join us September 23 - 26, 2013 in Newport, Rhode Island. For registration and more information, please visit iconics.com/getconnected.

Breakout sessions will deliver insight into improving efficiency, productivity, quality and sustainability in the industries represented by ICONICS customers. Session topics will include the following solutions for your industry:

  • HMI / SCADA Solutions
  • Web and MobileHMI Smart Solutions
  • Energy and Sustainability Solutions
  • Manufacturing Intelligence
  • Plant Data Historians
  • OPC UA and BACnet Certified Solutions
  • Fault Detection and Diagnostics
  • SPC/SQC and Production Analytics