Last updateSun, 04 Feb 2024 4am

Invensys Foxboro & Triconex Client Conference

This year’s Foxboro & Triconex Client Conferences will be held at the Marriott Rivercenter in San Antonio, TX the week of September 9th. It will be two separate meetings, at one great location.

The theme of this year’s event is the Future Starts Here. Throughout the week you will learn how new solutions and products from Invensys can help SIMPLIFY how you work, ENABLE you to do more and EMPOWER you to make better business decisions. We will also celebrate the 30 year anniversary of the Triconex brand.

You'll have the opportunity:

- Learn from a strong heritage of control and safety technologists

- Collaborate with industry experts on proven solutions

- Experience innovative technology designed to continuously evolve your plant and your business into the future

- Share your valued insights and influence investments

Built by Foxboro and Triconex User Steering Committees, this year's program promises to be a comprehensive, interactive program to address your existing business and technical challenges today...and ensure you are future proofed for tomorrow.



Air Jordan