ISA Opens Two New Membership Grades to Automation Professionals

Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA (14 February 2012) – The International Society of Automation (ISA) announced today that it has added two new membership grades, Automation Community Member and Automation Affiliate Member.

“We think these new member grades are a great way for automation professionals to take advantage of the many technical and professional-development benefits that ISA offers. As our new members grow in their careers, we hope they will come to appreciate the contribution that the Society can make to their lives and their businesses, and that they might one day become volunteers and contributors to ISA,” said ISA President, Robert E. Lindeman.

Automation Community Member: ISA established this grade for professionals in the automation community who would like to be associated with the Society and learn more about it, while enjoying some popular benefits.

Automation Affiliate Member: This membership grade is offered to individual members of organizations that are members of the Automation Federation, of which ISA is the founding organization. Membership is also offered to employees of companies that are members of organizations that are members of the Automation Federation.

For details please click ISA.

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